
[Report] Climate Chance publishes its Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action with a focus on textile waste circularity in Europe

To reduce textile waste production and improve its management, laws and measures that specifically regulate the textile sector’s circular economy model are being put in place, especially in Europe and China. Recent years have seen textile and clothing manufacturers in Europe increasingly accept their responsibility in the production and end-of-life treatment of their products. The EU Green Deal attempts to regulate, standardize and improve these initiatives.


Collection, sorting and recovery are central to the EPR system for textiles in France. This programme is run by the eco-organization ReFashion, a private company that organizes handling the end-of-life of equipment put on the market by companies.


With the idea of providing information on recycling market actors, ReFashion has launched Recycle, an internet platform that connects European recycling companies and producers.


In order to encourage short, local circuits for the recycled fibre market, the FIREX project was launched in July 2022 with a budget of €14 M. The initiators of the project
are Synergies TLC, Tissages de Charlieu (LTC), TDV Industries, Mapea and the European Centre for Innovative Textiles (CETI).


Read the full report via this link: