The Refashion platform for connecting textiles and footwear recycling stakeholders
NEW YORK – Accelerating Circularity has published its latest report in which it outlines the latest findings from its polyester-based textile recycling trials in the US and Europe.
Bringing together 18 companies to explore circular solutions for the industry, the trials utilised a variety of recycling technologies and polyester blends, demonstrating the potential for scalable, circular polyester systems.
The trials focused on sorting, pre-processing, and recycling with researchers concluding that automation and effective training are essential for improving efficiency, while addressing contaminants in feedstock is also crucial for successful recycling outcomes.
At the sorting stage, for example, the study found that the use of NIR (Near Infrared) technology to detect fibre composition significantly enhances accuracy compared to manual sorting. In one trial, automated technology reduced feedstock loss by 36% compared to manual sorting.
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